2010年8月25日 星期三


If I were one of the hostages, I would definitely fight back after the first bullet was out. Judging from the snail-like actions by the local Phil police, I would rather fight for my own life. Of course, in that narrow aisle in the coach, with only a handful of men, it is a gamble of life - it either works, or I die.

If I were the police officer in charge, I would have asked two of my elite collegues (corrupt them if needed) to go and replace for the two old hostages. It would be the simpliest way of capturing him - less blood, I expect.

If I were one of the SWAT members pushed out on site, I would have performed in the exact same way. I am not trained (and paid) for risking my life, even the whole world is watching.

If I were the poor lady who had lost her entire family in one single day, I would probably have gone mad by now...

If I were the man with gun. I would not have initiated this at all - abducting somebody is simply the silliest crime I would have committed - there are only two mutually exclusive endpoints: either be caught or shooted.

