What about Spiderman?
Flexibility is the key. There is simply no other who can hop between the skyscrapers and climb walls with bare hands while at the same time not losing the combatability. (Ah, you must be thinking about the rubbery man in Fantastic 4 - stop that, he is by no chance comparable with the spider, especially when we are talking about speed and perhaps more importantly - visual elegance, haha.) I believe all fans of spiderman would agree, his design is simple, but you never get bored.
Still, I have a problem in appreciating his costume. I must say, though that he has a muscular body build, the tight red suit does look a little bit sissy to me. Well, as like I always have much difficulty in understanding the beauty in the latest Milan fashion - I might be too old-schooled to have framed the need of metal in every superhero!
So far so good, it's time for Hulk and the Fantastic 4.
Hulk is more like a beast than a real hero. Yes it is not difficult to feel his power through his bruising punches and tear. But seeing the green big guy jumping here and there in the city, crushing every piece of land along his way, it seems he is doing more harm than good...Together with his Skrek-like skin tone and the bestial personality, err, he reminds me of Godzilla.
Well, sorry for any Fantastic 4 lovers, I am so much tilted away from them. Unlike having the mutant background in X-men, the four scientists in uniform appear way much artificial and random. And frankly, their ability aren't that innovative, are they? As a group of four, I love the Incredibles much much much more. XD
Let me end by showing a short video from Marvel - the amazing allied battle by my favourite Ironman, Spiderman and the greenbeast. Enjoy!
What about Batman?
回覆刪除Haha. I remain pretty neutral for the dark knight, but Landico likes the Batman series! How could I not? XD