2010年10月28日 星期四

Gloomy sunday

Speaking of the choice of music in 告白, there is a particular scene that caught me tight. When the teacher stepped out the restaurant, knowing the story of A, she walked slowly, kneeled and cried, then stepped up again for the path ahead. Without a word, the chemical reaction went on with Radiohead's Last flowers and the overwhelmingly emotional body languages from 松隆子.

I got my goosebumps when I listened, it reminded my of the legendary Gloomy Sunday written in 1933.

It was said that people listening to this song would be clouded by a sense of intense disparity and hopelessness, and indeed the song was once banned to be radio-boardcasted due to this very rumor (or, fact). Over 100 artists have reinterpretted this deadly masterpiece, afterall I love the tinge of sorrow in Sarah McLachlan's version.

Haha, hope that I still have visitors to this blog after posting it here.

