2010年9月29日 星期三


This is probably the most hi-tech product I have ever invested in my life.

All along I considered my cell's only purpose as the phone itself (or proably an alarm too), so, despite all the heat around new mobiles, I remained an insulator in changing my old nokia phone.

But these weeks I see the point.

One boring day in paediatric surgery team, we are invited (or you can call it summoned) to join the team surgery in the operation theatre. Well, I myself am never a keen observer in all sorts of surgery, still we need to go for it, and the lucky us picked on a case of laparoscopic partial nephroectomy (cutting half a kidney). We started at 9am, and the time went on and on, though the images were so clear on the TV screen, my legs started to sore. As the surgeons were too busy dealing the heavily bleeding redbean, they were not able to entertain our questions, so we stood.

The only thing I brought with me is a pocket general surgery guide, I tried to flip over and over, wishing to see a page writing about paediatric surgery - and of course there was none. So, despite my raging curiosity over the anatomy, surgical procedures, complications - I could only stand.

But then, Joanne's iphone came into play. It satisfied all our wants, with the additional dessert of facebook and yahoo news.

This is when I started to love this piece of Apple.

P.S. The surgery finally ended at 5:30pm.

