Despite being a low-budget film, this film chills with its brilliant illustration of its name - the butterfly effect. In fact it was a 2004 production, but I missed the opportunity for so many times, now I got it and love it.
From time to time, we human often fascinates the possibility of going back into the past, and change things that we regretted for. It is of our nature to ask the question what if I have/haven't bla bla bla, but we never know - if we change one thing, we changed everything.
Let's put it in this way. Say if somehow I go back to my childhood years, I turn off the light in my bedroom while the younger me was studying for his form 2 biology exam, so I felt asleep. Haven't prepared enough for the test, I performed badly. Then when the result was out, I felt discouraged, and my interest in biology went into a downward spiral, turned out I chose the art stream the next year.
Finally, James Chow never appeared in medical school, maybe, he is now working in a writing firm instead(urgh).
Within this dynamic interconnected world, a small decision at a moment could give a completely different outcome. To complicate, it is not only our decision that guide our future, in fact, every of us are altering each and others' destiny.
Then, I got to ask myself the fundamental question: if things didn't go the way in my past, will I have met her now?
Yes, I believe so. At least for this point, we are destined.
The Butterfly Effect - movie trailer
P.S. For those would like to watch, make sure you finish all the FOUR alternate endings! Personally, I love the director's cut most - stone cold but inspiring.