2011年10月12日 星期三


Millions thoughts raced through my mind but the packed overnight calls left me with no room for sleeping, let alone blogging! Roar!

Here are some bits and pieces:

1) Perhaps being an oncologist, the first thing one should equip with is to know where to stop. Be decisive on cure, be realistic on palliation.

2) Sometimes, words of genuine care are way more comforting then offering the 3rd 4th or 5th lines of chemotherapy.

3) Never overlook suffering and pain.

4) Presentation-phobia. But the excitement after facing the fear is priceless.

5) Tough feeling: how come cancers are still that invincible regardless all those medical advances we had in this era?

6) Joy came from being treated a dinner with a nice hemato-oncologist. Inspiring chat we had.

7) Lumbar puncture, bone marrow, chest drain, pleural tap, abdominal tap, pleurodesis - all in a single week! yohoo!

